
  • 34 Verses of the Bible about Healing

    34 Verses of the Bible about Healing

    The Bible has a lot to say about healing. In fact, there are arguably hundreds of healing scriptures that specifically mention physical or spiritual healing. This shows us that God is wholly interested in our well-being and wants us to be healthy. But what about spiritual healing? The Bible is clear that there is no…

  • 33 Verses in the Bible about Faith

    33 Verses in the Bible about Faith

    The Bible says that faith is the evidence of things not seen. In other words, faith is believing in something without needing proof.  Faith is an essential component of Christianity. It is the belief in God, His promises, and His ability to provide for and protect His people. A gift from God that allows humans…

  • 39 Bible Verses for Health

    39 Bible Verses for Health

    The Holy Bible contains many verses that offer guidance on how to live a healthy life. These verses encourage us to take care of our bodies and avoid sinful behavior, both of which are important for maintaining good health. It is important to recognize that physical, mental and spiritual health are all important in the…

  • 33 Biblical Verses for Forgiveness

    33 Biblical Verses for Forgiveness

    Christianity teaches that forgiveness is essential for spiritual growth. Christ himself speaks about the importance of forgiveness when he says:  For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14-15, ESV This passage makes…

  • The Bible, 7 Deadly Sins and our Redemption

    The Bible, 7 Deadly Sins and our Redemption

    The Bible & 7 Deadly Sins, Fact or Fiction? The seven deadly sins are a series of sins that are said to be deadly, or fatal, to the soul and often give rise to other sins. When it comes to the Bible, there are a few things to note:  The seven deadly sins are also…